
Showing posts from August, 2021

Croton(Croton tiglium) - Gastric Irritant Plants

  Croton Botanical Name Croton tiglium Physical Appearance ■■    This plant belonging to family Euphorbiaceae grows well in Assam, Bengal, and the Western Ghats. ■■    It is a small evergreen tree with ovate or elliptical leaves which are narrow-pointed, toothed, and 2 to 4 inches long, varying in colour from metallic green to bronze, orange, or yellowish ( Fig 10.10 ). ■■  Seeds are oval, smooth, 1 to 2 cm long, and brownish in colour ( Fig 10.11 ). Uses The seeds, oil, and root extract are used as a drastic purgative in folk medicine. Toxic Part Stem, leaves, seeds. Toxic Principles ■■ Crotin (toxalbumen). ■■ Crotonoside (glycoside). Clinical Features ·        Plants in this family contain irritant diterpene esters that are strongly irritating. Rubbing the latex of these plants to the face, or chewing on the stem may result in erythema, swelling, and blistering. Initial symptoms of reddening and swelling occur in 2 to 8 hours, with vesicle and blister formation peaking in 4 to 12 hou

Glory Lily(Gloriosa superba) - Gastric Irritant Plants

  Glory Lily Botanical Name Gloriosa superba Other Common Names Climbing lily; Superb lily. Physical Appearance This plant belonging to family Liliaceae is a large, herba-  ceous, climbing annual. ■■    It is a slender vine with a thick tuberous root, resembling a sweet potato. ■■     Leaves terminate in tendril-like, long, curling tips. ■■    Flowers are large, solitary, yellow or red, crinkled, and long-stalked ( Fig 10.12 ). They appear to be “upside-down”, with the stamens and pistils pointing downward. Uses ·        The juice from the leaves is used as a pediculoside (to kill head lice). ·          The root is used to treat various ailments in folk medicine. Toxic Part Leaves, root. Toxic Principles Root contains colchicine and gloriosine. The tubers contain an estimated 6 mg/10 gm of tuber of colchicine along with gloriosine, which is a related alkaloid. Clinical Features ·        Acute poisoning with the root results in severe vomiting, diarrhoea, tachycardia, chest and abdomina

Marking Nut(Semecarpus anacardium) - Gastric Irritant Plants

  Marking Nut Botanical Name Semecarpus anacardium. Physical Appearance ■■   This tree belonging to family Anacardiaceae grows well inmany parts of the country, and bears oblong leaves rounded Toxic Principles ■■     Semecarpol ■■    Bhilawanol. Clinical Features ·        Skin contact with the acrid juice results in irritation, inflam-mation, vesication, and ulceration. ·        Ingestion produces GI distress with blister formation in and around the mouth. Severe poisoning results in vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, hypotension, tachycardia, delirium, and coma. Pupils may be dilated. Usual Fatal Dose ·                About 5 to 8 seeds, or 10 grams. Treatment ·        Wash contaminated skin with soap and water, and treat lesions with help of a dermatologist. ·        Decontamination  (if taken orally): activated charcoal,cathartic. ·        Milk may be beneficial in ameliorating the GI distress. ·        Supportive and symptomatic measures.

Mayapple (May Apple) - Gastric Irritant Plants

  Mayapple (May Apple) Other Common Names ·                American Mandrake. Botanical Name ·                Podophyllum peltatum, Podophyllum hexandrum Physical Appearance ·                This plant belonging to family Podophylaceae grows well in the hilly regions of Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and Kashmir. ·                It is a flowering herb with a creeping root stock with deeply lobed leaves having toothed margins ( Fig 10.15 ). ·                Flowers are usually solitary, cup-shaped, and white or pink in colour. ·                Fruits are generally ovoid and bright scarlet. Toxic Part Leaves and rhizomes.* Toxic Principle ·                 Podophyllin (purified form: podophyllotoxin): Podophyllum is an amorphous caustic powder which is light brown to greenish-yellow or brownish-grey in colour having a characteristic odour, and is a mixture of at least 16 physiological compounds divided into two groups: lignans (wood extracts) and flavonols. It is prese

Red Pepper - Gastric Irritant Plants

  Red Pepper Other Common Names ·        Chilly; Chili pepper; Cayenne pepper; Cherry pepper; Cluster pepper; Christmas pepper; Cone pepper. Botanical Name Capsicum annuum, Capsicum frutescens.   Physical Appearance It is a small herb belonging to family Solanaceae, bearing longish tapering fruits which become red when ripe ( Fig 10.16 ) with a pungent odour and taste, and contain a number of small and flat yellowish seeds ( Fig 10.17 ). The latter bear a superficial resemblance to Datura seeds and serious poisoning sometimes results from mistaken identity.  Table 10.2  lists salient points of difference. The fruits and seeds of  C. frutescens  are hotter to taste than those of  C. annuum . Uses ·        The fruit and seeds are very popular in Indian cuisine as a condiment and flavouring agent. It is also used in pickles and sauces. ·        In medicine it is sometimes used as an appetite stimulant and carminative. ·        The main active principle, capsaicin, is sometimes used in the