Marking Nut(Semecarpus anacardium) - Gastric Irritant Plants

 Marking Nut

Botanical Name

Semecarpus anacardium.

Physical Appearance

■■  This tree belonging to family Anacardiaceae grows well inmany parts of the country, and bears oblong leaves rounded

Toxic Principles

■■   Semecarpol

■■   Bhilawanol.

Clinical Features

·      Skin contact with the acrid juice results in irritation, inflam-mation, vesication, and ulceration.

·      Ingestion produces GI distress with blister formation in and around the mouth. Severe poisoning results in vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, hypotension, tachycardia, delirium, and coma. Pupils may be dilated.

Usual Fatal Dose

·              About 5 to 8 seeds, or 10 grams.


·      Wash contaminated skin with soap and water, and treat lesions with help of a dermatologist.

·      Decontamination (if taken orally): activated charcoal,cathartic.

·      Milk may be beneficial in ameliorating the GI distress.

·      Supportive and symptomatic measures.


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